Six pieces of Finnish advice to a lecturer in the field of higher education

1. Know your field. You have at least a Master’s degree but be ready to study your subject together with the students and stakeholders of various kinds. Read articles, magazines, watch tutorials, take part in courses. Develop yourself. Make presentations, blog texts, write papers or articles. Know how to research and develop. Be still humble and open for dialogue – with integrity. 

2. Think about the various roles you have: expert, mentor, coach, advisor, team member, representative of your higher education institution. Be aware of your identity and learning philosophy and follow the strategy of your employer. 

3. Be part of the scientific or educational community and a team-player. Dare to share!

4. Always think about the students! They are the ones you are working for. They are the future labor. They have fresh ideas. Enjoy the wonder of learning. Let them experience your trust and student empowerment but do not abandon them. Be organized, logical, and keep your promises. Be kind but assertive. 

5. Be open for various learning methods and educational technologies. Leave those things that do not work. 

6. Remember that you use your personality at work. Remember to be a human, to rest, and have free time with the near and dear.